Prices tailored to small and medium companies
Digital solution accessible to all R&D teams at an affordable price, while offering advanced features.
Digital solution accessible to all R&D teams at an affordable price, while offering advanced features.
Choose the modules depending on your R&D needs
You can choose our 9 modules to benefit from a complete solution and enjoy all the links between the different objects in your database, or you can pick only the modules supporting the key needs of your team to optimize your digitalization. For example, if you already have an electronic laboratory notebook, you might not need YU-NOTE, but other modules could complete your digitalization. Contact us for a specific offer containing only the modules that you are actually going to use.
Start-up Pack
Implementation cloud or on-site
- Configuration
- Training
1 module or more
- Select the modules depending on your needs
Implementation cloud or on-site
- Configuration
- Training
- Module start from scratch
- Implementation cloud or on-site
- Configuration
- Specific Training
Full Customization
We can adapt the already existing modules to your needs by adding some specific fields or view. We can even create a new module from scratch.
Gautier Robin, CSO of Mabqi:
'We were impressed by the technical nature and excellence of their service, as well as the flexibility and responsiveness of the operational team. We are fully satisfied with the quality of the software solution delivered, which corresponds perfectly to our specifications. We therefore highly recommend Yubsis as a partner for its leading expertise in IT solutions for biotechnology.'
Cloud or on-site installation
Yubsis provides hosting services, which consist of servers that are physically located in France, hosted by our partner Ikoula and managed by Yubsis. Each customer benefits from a specific database. Yubsis is following the official ANSSI recommendations to state-of-the-art secure our servers against intrusions and organize daily database backups.
Our solutions can also be installed on a Linux server within your own IT-infrastructure. Yubsis keeps an access for system administration, such as regular upgrades. We can adapt our offer to fit your specific situation and requirements.
Success packages
So that you can quickly become autonomous with our solutions, we support you in your first steps with one or more training courses (depending on the number of modules chosen). We work with you to set up groups with specific access rights, to implement your business and data flows in the system. If required, we can also help you import your historical data. In short, everything is done to make it easy for you to get started!
Get Started
Contact us
by email, phone, Linked IN or filling the contact form
Get a demo
Evaluate the system and confirm your interest
Choose Apps
or opt for custom developments
Get Delivered
Your database is created, you can start.