Lab Inventory Management
Use YU-STORE to register, find and share samples and consumables quantities and usage with colleagues.
Say goodbye to stock shortages, lost samples or chaotic information within multiple excel files.
Thanks to YU-STORE, stocks and samples are shared with collaborators in a more care-free work environment.

Ease samples management
Record and track samples : plasmid preps, protein batches, glycerol stocks, cells and more.
Create material categories as needed
Never lose a vial: location can be precisely described and position in box is visualized
Find easily a sample, using name, alias, date, project or any registered characteristics.
Split batches in multiple aliquots and keep control.
Track deliveries and remaining volumes.
Track products from suppliers to avoid stock-outs!
Inventory of commercial products (consumables, reagents,...)
Full tracking of all stocks transactions: receipt, delivery, update, usage
Localize products or consumables in storage rooms, freezers, etc
Sub-stocks can be reserved to specific projets (cost centers)
Alerts on minimal stock threshold/expiry date
Register and associate security information
Re-ordering facilitated

Full suite to digitalize procurement and stocks:
Yu-Store is connected to the greatest Belgian e-Procurement platform for Life Sciences: BIPP.
All the suppliers are localized in one marketplace so you can compare price and availability. When an order is placed, products are directly sent to Yu-Store where you can monitor the order (planned, received, stored).
Fields automatically imported from BIPP:
Product and associated packaging and units (items, ml, mg, etc)
Supplier and manufacturer names and catalog numbers
Expected date/ reception date
Projects, cost centers
Price, etc...
The power of a relational database
Linking all samples to a project allows a quick overview of the steps achieved.
Powerful search and navigation engine across all the database.
Link between elements that derive from each other, for example a recombinant bacterial clone is linked to the plasmid used for transformation. Full lineage is generated automatically.
Trace the history of a sample : date of creation, creator, construct name, volume, deliveries, ELN reference, etc.

Download more information about YU-STORE:
Yu-STORE's power is enhanced when used with other modules developed by Yubsis:

Protein modules
Register protein sequence, track expression hosts and protein production. Perform antibody selection.
Molecular Biology
Register plasmid map, perform in silico cloning, track batches and Sanger sequencing analysis.